Friday, November 26, 2004

Illegal Aliens

R George Dunn
Subject: illegal Aliens
When, I think Ronald Reagan, enacted the policy making it illegal to employ illegal aliens, the result was no enforcement. The attitude of ignoring the law on illegals spread into the federal government not even following up on the ones they knew about, had caught and then just released. Now today, we have over 11 million illegals, and the liberals so short on voters, have even tried to make it possible for the illegal to vote. My, how we drift.

We have a problem with controlling the boarders north and south. We are turning our back on this and you can bet the enemies after us know this. What do we do? Stick our head in the sand and hope it heals itself?

NO. The first thing to do is to shut down the borders by hiring national guardsman who are able to carry a weapon, even if they be 70 years old and shut down the traffic. Then use the plan of registering the illegals already here and anyone who is working, make the job on the table and give them a work pass. If they can become citizens in 5 years, let them stay. If they cannot, ship them out. Period. Anyone who is not a desirable character, ship them back to the land that produced them, not our problem. After a period of time, the rest of the Americas will eventually catch up due to the technology today that is spreading the knowledge world wide.

In ten years, the war on terrorism should be done or close to where the entire world has got on line and has cleansed their own land of these fanatics. This will again make our open boarder concept easier to comply to. Until then, we need to protect ourselves and to protect our justice in the tax employing methods by getting the under the table employees on the table. Better yet, switch to consumption tax and that way, all will pay, regardless of on or under the table.

By the way, how can we provide aliens with social programs when we are saying to the citizen, you must work to be covered. This is not right or just.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Faith on Earth

The article:
The Source of the Problem in the Mid East
Part II, Why Judeo-Christians Support War
by C. E. Carlson
has spoke a lot facts. The facts are somewhat true, but the logic used is somewhat flailed. The land of Palestine, in which the Israeli people now claim their nation, was a vast desert wasteland and not inhabited until in 1928 the Jewish people started to return. Thus said the Lord, "Know that when the fig tree is again in summer leaf, know that my return is at hand". It is written, and a generation is of 80 years this day.
Prior to that, Abraham had settled a vast region of this land to include Jordan and part of Iraq. At the time after Abraham, there was two branches of the Seed of Abraham, through the son Isaac and through Isaac's half brother Ishmael. From the day that Ishmael and his mother were exiled from the Abraham family, there has been animosity between these two brothers families. Today, these two families are still at odds, despite the words of scripture that say to be in harmony. The two families today are Israel, and Arabs and Muslims.
The Quran speaks of the Israelis as a people to find a brotherhood in, as they are of the original family and of the origins of Islam faith. The Torah speaks of those outside of the faith as convertible and savable, not imbeciles.
Due to a drought in Palestine, Jacob, the son of Isaac, led the entire tribe of Israel to Egypt, where a son Joseph had become the second in command under the Ruler of Egypt. Eventually, the Israelites became slaves to Egypt, until a time when Moses led the Israelites out into the Desert. Eventually the Israelites were led back to the land that Abraham had settled. The Israelites settled back in this given land until the scattering of all the tribes of Israel from the land and Jerusalem, to return again as it has started in 1928.
The Palestinian tribe has been a band of nomad who never had a settled land, but always drifted. Jordan was a place of their dwelling and to this day, 90 % of Jordan is Palestinian.
Bible prophesy speaks of the Israeli people as being in ownership of Jerusalem at the time just before Armageddon. It also says that the Lord allows the Enemy to the North to overrun the Land, killing all but a small amount of Jews left for his anger with them. Scripture also says that God blinded their eyes to the truth of Jesus till the time of the end. As to Jesus speaking ill of the spiritual leaders in that day, he was not centering on a people but on their leaders. Scripture speaks to this many times and warns leaders. Today we have such leaders in all Peoples.
Today, the Islam People think of America as the Great Satan. It is not the people they say this of, though they may think so. It is the leaders. The leaders of the cultural revolution in America have created the greatest weapon of destruction in history, the television. Decadence is prevalent and spreading fast through this media. The divide in the Christian Church is on this and it is causing the Church of America to fall away. Though there is a small minority of leaders trying to steer the Church back to faith based morals, the plight is not ceasing under the guise of freedom to choose. Yet, even in this falling away, there is a deep root of faith that despite the people falling away, they still have desire to cling to the truth and that truth is not something created by Scofield. It is the Word. The Word finds fact in that Christians are Judeo as Jesus was born a Jew.
Scripture says that Jesus said he has one flock that hear his voice and they know him. He went on to say that there is another flock that they do not know of and they to hear His voice also.
Today's Islam majority is somewhat still isolated from the television and it's liberal media. They also have lived under the Torah principle of enforcing the Law of God through the Quran. The Judeo Christian faith has stressed forgiveness and think that sin is forgivable. And it is, but it demands that the individual must be as forgiving as he wishes to be forgiven. This is a hard faith to accomplish without spiritual intervention on one self. IN forced discipline, the fear of the Lord through an eye for and eye has a tendency of keeping a people in line. Thus, today, the Islam majority now live a purer life style compared to the majority of the Judeos and Christian.
Yet, we find that this rift between the two sons of Abraham are not able to put aside their differences and have and will strive until that day. Peace is not without hope, but until the dark side of both faiths is eliminated, there will be no rest. The sins of man go before them and are handed down to the fourth generation.
May God give us an World Wide revival and help us to delay the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord!!!
Let the peace of Gandhi be our attitude.

Christian Judeo Moslem Elect

In Judges of the Bible we read of how a generation of the faithful drifted to another God, the one of compromise to the Lord's will of our life. Just as they drifted away, so are we under the propaganda distributed by TV media, who was for years hiding as objective journalism. IT is probably under the whitewash of the media that we accepted abortion. Now we have the politically correct, the progressive (communist), and worst of all the Secular God.
Every way of life, be it a secular thought or an spiritual reality, must be done by an attitude. We must realize that spirituality is very important in the dictates of Government, and to say that the Church has no say in elections is the very reason our founding fathers declared war on the Lion.
Shall we be of the flock of believers that Apostle Paul spoke of in the visions he spoke of? "Like the sands of the Sea, the Church shall fall away from the Truth."
The Ten Commandments are the very foundation of the Islam Religion, in other words. The difference between Islam and Judeo-Christian religions is under Islam, they enforce the Ten Commandments. Under the seed of Abraham, the Law of God includes Mercy.
What has happened presently is, the Islam still live by the Law of the Qur'an, and the Abrahams by Moses and the SEED of David, have bowed to the God of Mercy in how looking at the Ten Commandments. What has become apparent, the Islam have found the Abrahams guilty of Sin as Nations, by adopting Laws under the disguise of Secularism, progressivism, rather then measuring it to our faith, or by not allowing our choice of faith to participate.
Abraham have become the Church of GOD's that has followed off after the Golden Calf, under the Media's spin. Walla, presto, here we are!
I perceive the Americas as Gems in the rough after the cleansing to come. Bow down, and do the Will of GOD!!!
Realize why Islam is not happy with our ways!!! Know that Pandora's box needs to go back into the closet. Good Luck!!! Better yet, fear GOD! Know that the Sword of the LORD has been cried from the Walls. The time of Nation Chastising is on GOD's Agenda. Oh Nineveh, how Strong was your Spirit, to follow Jonah's revealing of the LORD's Sword!
Let our Honor shine in the Freedom we give, make our Nations Spirit guided by Laws GOD would approve. Strike the Court with a whip and abide by the Constitution. Let a change needed be submitted to Congress for up or down to a change, not by Precedence and Court Order. Impeach!
Vote your ballot for GOD!!! And provide GOD a Republic that is Honorable in the Conquering of the Evil Terrorism Dictatorships and being WORTHY of HIS GRACE!!! Stand up for Truth or KaSaRaSaRah, GOD will reign no matter what you do...

Right to Life

When Life begins: An easy way to answer the question of life in the womb is to have every ultrasound in the Nation do an double snap of the picture and take a picture of the baby turning to investigate the sound or light. I think it will surprise you.
Jared had his picture taken this way. The Nurse set the ultrasound for a profile picture, did an false take and then took a picture in which Jared had turned his head 90% looking into the camera with depth of soul, a Spirit of Life. Allehem.
This is not an State issue, it is an Constitutional issue of protecting everyone born.
In Eastern Culture, you have the birth of children beginning at conception. When a child is bore from the womb, they are all considered a year old. The Birthday is celebrated by an Day for everyone in December.
To be born is to become an living cell. Do not be afraid of death to the point of sacrificing one birth for another.
To those who find themselves pregnant without want, you had better decide that before any eggs are exposed. By the way, Doctors are saying that prophylactics do not stop the Papaloma Virus and that 85% of the Nation is infected. If you want to have children, remain a virgin until married, including you men.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Precedence of going by the Law

Dear Majority Leader Dr. Frist,

You spoke of the procedure of consenting to Presidential Appointments on TV the other day. You stated that there was a few ways to proceed in this process. You hoped to use the precedence of the past prior to President Bush. You called your last option to use as a Nuclear approach. This approach is to go by the Law set forth in the Constitution and is the Law of your conduct and must be the way it is.
Neglecting Law is the problem we are having all the way down to the local government not going by the rules. It is the Law, not a nuclear hazard. The precedence you need to follow is the precedence of the Law. Anything else is criminal, if done with foreknowledge.
There is no real need to re-write the law into being. It is very simple and already on paper. It is called the U.S. Constitution. Hand it out and read it on the floor.
The committee sends all appointments to the floor for a simple majority vote and may do so with recommendation. Simple and by the Law.